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永春佛手(Yongchun finger citron tea)

 永春佛手(Yongchun finger citron tea)又名香橼种、雪梨,因其形似佛手、名贵胜金,又称“金佛手”,主产于福建永春县苏坑、玉斗和桂洋等乡镇海拔600米至900米高山处。乃佛手品种茶树梢制成, 是福建乌龙茶中风味独特的名品。
  佛手(fo shou)茶树品种有红芽佛手与绿芽佛手两种(以春芽颜色区分),以红芽为佳。鲜叶大的如掌,椭圆形,叶肉肥厚,3月下旬萌芽,4月中旬开采,分四季采摘,春茶占40%。
  经检测,佛手茶水中浸出物 46% ,单宁 21% ,粗蛋白 25% ,茶素 2.4% ,黄酮类物质 12mg/g ,锌 57 μ g/g ,其中锌和黄酮类物质为所有乌龙茶中含量最高。茶叶中的黄酮类物质具有降血压、降血脂、软化血管等功效,锌能促进儿童生长发育和成年人的健康、延缓衰老。 2003 年福建省中医学院已研究证明了永春佛手茶对结肠炎有显著的治疗作用 ; 并且还在研究证明永春佛手茶对软化心脑血管 , 降血压血脂等保健功效 . 常饮佛手茶,可减肥,止渴消食,除痰,利水道,明目益思,除火去腻。
   佛手本是柑桔属中一种清香诱人的名贵佳果, 茶叶以佛手命名,不仅因为它的叶片和佛手柑的叶子极为相似,而且因为制出的干毛茶,冲泡后散出如佛手柑所特有的奇香。永春佛手始于北宋, 相传是安溪县骑虎岩寺一和尚,把茶树的枝条嫁接在佛手柑上,经过精心培植而成。其法传授给永春县狮峰岩寺的师弟, 附近的茶农竞相引种至今。清光绪年间,县城桃东就有峰圃茶庄,在百齿山上开辟成片茶园种植佛手。清康熙贡士李射策在《狮峰茶诗》有赞佛手茶诗句:“品茗未敢云居一,雀舌尝来忽羡仙。”原全国人大副委员会周谷城先生亦为之题赠“永春名茶”条幅。
  永春佛手(Yongchun finger citron tea)在闽、粤、港、澳、台等地及东南亚侨胞中久负盛名,屡获殊荣。 1986 、 1989 年被农业部评为优质农产品; 1988 年荣获首届中国食品博览会金奖, 1995 、 1997 年被认定为第二届、第三届中国农业博览会金奖, 1999 年荣获第二届中国 国际茶博览交易会国际名茶金奖,并被确认为福建省名优茶。2007年荣获“中国申奥第一茶”的称号,并作为国礼之一赠与外宾!民间茶企也有很多做的不错,如福建永春益品佛手茶业有限公司出品的大素神牌佛手茶还曾两度作为人民大会堂指定用茶等等。
      the yongchun finger citron other name citron plants, the alias sydney, is the oolong tea equally with anxi oolong tea, is one in oolong tea precious varieties. according to the domestic and foreign expert appraisal, the finger citron tea is in the oolong tea the most ancient tea plants, its ye daru the palm, takes the form of the citron citrus reticulata, the beginning plants in the buddhist temple, thus is called the finger citron. in the folk proverb, tea buddha, the lid begins in the finger citron tea constantly. the finger citron variety divides into the red bud finger citron and the green bud finger citron two kinds, the red bud finger citron tree posture throws over opens, shoot purple red; the green bud finger citron tree posture stands erect slightly, shoot pale-green. at present, yongchun county is by plants the red bud finger citron primarily.

     the yongchun finger citron (yongchun foshou) is native to the chinese oolong tea three in a big way to export the county----the fujian province yongchun county, the place of origin is the yongchun lion peak crag. the yongchun finger citron had 300 year cultivation history in yongchun. mainly distributes in yongchun’s jade fights, su keng, shi gu, to reach villages and towns and so on guangdong, five miles streets, east gate, lake ocean. the yongchun finger citron tea contour strip rope is stout and strong, the curl is heavy or the circle ties heavily, the luster ukraine run green emerald or wu lv run, has the gloss slightly; the endosarc fragrance rich or strongly fragrant is quiet long; high quality has resembles the sydney fragrance or the toffee is fragrant, the high-grade goods have resemble the fragrant rafter to be fragrant; the taste returns to gansu mellowly, the variety characteristic obviously; bears swells, the soup color orange yellow or shallow golden yellow, is bright, is limpid; phyllotaxis plump, even, soft bright, red side obviously, drinks the entrance to promote saliva or body fluids, falls throat gansu run. venerable zhang tianfu approves said: the yongchun finger citron, the intravenous drip entrance, the tooth cheek keeps the fragrance, the color fragrance all reaches excellent, worthily for tea in famous work; taiwan literature master venerable yu guangzhong has canada to the finger citron tea affection, the topic includes: haven scenery xiu, the yongchun finger citron is fragrant.

     examines after the fujian farming and forestry university tea research institute, in the finger citron tea oozes 46%, the tannin 21%, the thick protein 25%, the caffeine 2.4%, flavanone class material 15-17mg/g, the zinc 57μg/g, the flavanone class material and the zinc the content are highest for all oolong tea. in the tea flavanone class material has blood vessel effects and so on lowers the blood pressure, to fall the blood fats, to soften, the zinc can promote the child to grow the growth and adult’s health, the postpone senility. the fujian province traditional chinese medicine college studies discovered that the yongchun finger citron tea to gastritis, the colitis has the remarkable therapeutic action. often drinks the finger citron tea, may lose weight, quenches thirst the digestion, eliminates the phlegm, the favorable canal, the clear vision profit thinks, eliminates the fire to go greasily.    

     yongchun finger citron in places and southeast asia fellow countrymen living abroad such as fujian, guangdong, hong kong, macao and taiwan long standing reputation, wins international and the central province departmental level great honor repeatedly. the yongchun finger citron tea in 1986, in 1989 had the honor to receive the ministry of light industry quality product title, in 1988 had the honor to receive the first china food exposition gold medal, 1995, in 1997 were recognized that for second, the third chinese agriculture exposition gold medal, in 1999 had the honor to receive the second chinese international tea reading extensively trade fair international famous tea gold medal. in since the yongchun finger citron’s has obtained the province famous tea in 1999 fujian province superior tea evaluation and the province high quality tea the title. fights 81 tea plantations by the jade obtains the chinese non-environmental damage agricultural product for representative’s yongchun finger citron tea base and the product the symbol and china organic foods base application authentication. the yongchun finger citron has obtained the national geographic symbol protection product, formulated and adopted the yongchun finger citron national standards, has obtained the chinese olympic bid first tea the title of honor, was the ritual which in 2008 the national peasant movement will assign judges tea. yongchun finger citron best-selling european union, southeast asia, japan, the us and so on more than 20 national areas and the domestic each big city, obtains day luck tea tea business mister’s and so on group, shanghai mid-lake pavilion teahouse favors and the recommendation.     

  二.乌龙入宫(落茶):放茶量大约按 茶/水 1:20 的比例;



